
Simple BRST quantization of general gauge models


It is shown that the BRST charge QQ for any gauge model with a Lie algebra symmetry may be decomposed as Q=\del+\del^{\dag}, \del^2=\del^{\dag 2}=0, [\del, \del^{\dag}]_+=0 provided dynamical Lagrange multipliers are used but without introducing other matter variables in \del than the gauge generators in QQ. Furthermore, \del is shown to have the form \del=c^{\dag a}\phi_a (or ϕa′c†a\phi'_ac^{\dag a}) where cac^a are anticommuting expressions in the ghosts and Lagrange multipliers, and where the non-hermitian operators ϕa\phi_a satisfy the same Lie algebra as the original gauge generators. By means of a bigrading the BRST condition reduces to \del|ph\hb=\del^{\dag}|ph\hb=0 which is naturally solved by c^a|ph\hb=\phi_a|ph\hb=0 (or c^{\dag a}|ph\hb={\phi'_a}^{\dag}|ph\hb=0). The general solutions are shown to have a very simple form.Comment: 18 pages, Late

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