The Importance of Social Skills Instruction for Students With a High Number of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


Abstract The purpose of this action research study was to discover the importance of using small group instruction in the area of social skills with students who have multiple adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Classroom teachers filled out a questionnaire about students to the best of their knowledge that relates to ACEs. The classroom teacher then used an IBRST (individualized behavior rating scale)to determine the student’s ability to follow CHAMPS (Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation, and Success) expectations in the classroom. I compared IBRST scores of students with little to no ACE exposure to those of students with high ACE exposure. The classroom teacher then provided small group instruction in the area of social skills to those students with high ACE scores and were able to track whether or not this is beneficial to those students. We could see that students with high ACE scores raised their IBRST scores and that there is a correlation between these scores and the importance of classroom teachers completing the questionnaire on students each year and instructing in the area of social skills

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