Finding least fragmented holdings with factor analysis and a new methodology: a case study of kargılı land consolidation project from Turkey


ArticleLand fragmentation (LF) is a problem restrain agricultural activities and decrease mechanization level, production. Land consolidation (LC) projects are done in the World as well as Turkey to solve LF issues. Researchers created indicators to measure land fragmentation which is important to see success level of LC projects. The use of these indicators is controversial or not accurate. The core aim of the present study is to find new land fragmentation index and to find least fragmented holding with factor analysis using the other indicators which are Simmons, Januszevski, number of parcels, Shmook and Igbozurike besides new land fragmentation index. Kargılı Village land consolidation project in Mersin, Turkey was chosen as a material. Cadastral data before land consolidation, was used to calculate value of indicators, where number of parcels was 932, total area was 1,741.9 ha, the average parcel size was 1.9 ha, number of holdings was 542 and the average parcel size was village had 932 parcels. Data processing were performed with ArcMAP 10.6.1 and SPSS. A total of 18 holdings were identified randomly as sample size which were sufficient to carry out factor analysis including principle component to rank holdings (P < 0.01).As a result, new land fragmentation index found correlated with others (P < 0.01) and ranking according to new indicator performed better than ranking considering all indicators. In this context, it is possible to use new land fragmentation indicator to determine priority areas for land consolidation

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