The Ursinus Weekly, January 13, 1947


Ruby staff offers 10% commission for ads obtained • Students receive pledge for F.T.A. Wednesday night • Nominating committee selected by major campus organizations • Thespians raised in club status by Players and Stars • Speaker discusses life\u27s foundation • Debaters continue activities with Temple and Rider • Souerwine appointed president of Cub and Key for next term • Ursinus delegates support measures adopted by Urbana student assembly • Joseph Jones elected to lead newly organized legal society • Dr. Brown selects a drop of blood for pre-med talk • The sudden guest discussed at English Club meeting tonight • French Club elects W. Johnson, M. Hewitt, v.-pres., secretary • C. Garber elected head of YMCA to replace Newlin • Bears topple Dragons, 60-50; Moore, Snyder share honors • Jay Vees drop initial tilt to Drexel scrubs in overtime contest • Footballers name Parks, Detwiler 1946 co-captains • Bears capture second victory; down Fords in spine tingler, 48-46 • Sextet practices for opening game against Albright • Ursinus independents win over Collegeville Commodores, 43-37 • Fire causes slight damage when sparks ignite Fircroft roof

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