Using Big Data to discover how the maturity of a heritage destination influences the use and attractiveness of urban cultural landscape. A case study of Antwerp, Bolzano and Kraków


Big data analysis, especially of user generated data, is an innovative data collection method in tourism research. This paper attempts to explain how analysis of user generated content helps to map and understand cultural landscapes in a destination. Using data obtained from TripAdvisor a two-step analysis is conducted in order to map spatial behavior of reviewers at the destination and to use review behavior patterns to understand the shaping of the cultural landscape. Three case studies in which the urban cultural landscape is both a primary tourist attraction as well as an important part of local identity are compared, namely Antwerp (Belgium), Bolzano (Italy) and Kraków (Poland) and each of these destinations can be positioned at a different maturity level when applying the tourist area life cycle model by Butler. The results of the hot spot analysis show that there exists a correlation between the maturity of the destination and the review behavior, both in intensity as in perception of quality of services. An intensive use of a relatively small part of the historic center of a heritage destination and in this zone the presence of a cluster of facilities offering low service quality was found to indicate a mature destination and can be distinguished by applying geographical Big Data analysis on review behavior. Finally, this paper explains how user generated content can be used in mapping spatial behavior of tourists in urban cultural landscapes and what the limitations to such studies are. Using Big Data to discover how the maturity of a heritage destination influences the use and attractiveness of urban cultural landscape. A case study of Antwerp, Bolzano and Kraków. Available from: [accessed May 5, 2017]

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