A Theory of Matriarchism: The Universal Origins of Humanity


Evidence of the evolutionary mechanisms in biodiversity, physiology and physical adaptations, and reproduction exists in the fossil record and across extant species; and in the development of psychology, civilization and theology in the human species. How is our knowledge of the origins of our humanity clarified by these examples? What were the circumstances of our beginnings as a uniquely human species in this world? While the question is straightforward, the answer appears to be elusive. In fact, the answer is actually easy to identify; the beginnings of the human species are obvious, and are exemplified in every human individual. Every human bears upon their body physical evidence which connects us to the moment of our own birth; the navel is the remaining proof of our arrival on earth, and of our separation from the mother who birthed us. Despite the many differences among the peoples of the world, this is one aspect of our existence shared universally by everyone. This paper argues, given the evidence of the human navel, that our shared humanity is the result of being born and then separated from a mother; human women are the vessels of human existence and humanity itself. Every human individual receives this humanity through countless generations of ever more related ancestral women, ultimately from the very first human mother. Although we presently lack the scientific method to show these genealogies of connection between individuals, this paper explores how understanding these connections help to answer the question of human origins

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