Wine grapes phenological maturity depending on cultivar and spring covers


Magistritöö Aianduse õppekavalPõhjamaises viinamarjakasvatuses on probleemiks jahedad ilmad ja hilisöökülmad kevadel. Kevadkatetega saab kaitsta öökülmade eest taimi ja jahedate ilmadega õisi. Eelnevalt on Maaülikoolis uuritud erinevaid kattematerjale ja on selgunud, et katte mõju oleneb nii kattematerjalist kui ka viinapuu sordist. Uurimustöö eesmärk oli selgitada välja sordiomaduste ja kevadkatete mõju veiniviinamarjasortide ’Rondo’, ’Hasanski Sladki’ ja ’Zilga’ saagi fenoloogilise küpsuse parameetritele. Katse viidi läbi 2019. aastal Eesti Maaülikooli Rõhu Katsejaamas avamaa tingimustes. Kattematerjalidena kasutati varjutuskangast ja talveloori. Sordil ’Hasanski Sladki’ oli talvelooriga ja katteta katsevariant. Sordil ’Zilga’ oli talvelooriga ja varjutuskangaga katsevariant. Kevadkatted paigaldati 6. mail ja eemaldati 26. juunil. Sordivõrdluses olid sordid ’Rondo’, ’Zilga’ ja ’Hasanski Sladki’. Sordiomadused mõjutasid veiniviinamarjade fenoloogilise küpsuse peamisi parameetreid, nagu fenoolide üldsisaldus, antotsüaanide üldsisaldus ja antioksüdatiivne aktiivsus. Suurima fenoolide sisaldusega oli sort ’Rondo’, väikseimaga sort ‘Zilga’. Antotsüaanide sisaldus oli suurim sordil ‘Rondo’ väikseim sordil ‘Zilga’. Kevadkatted mõjutasid oluliselt fenoloogilise küpsuse parameetreid. ’Zilga’ puhul oli fenoolide ja antotsüaanide sisaldus ja antioksüdatiivne aktiivsus talvelooriga variandis oluliselt suurem. ’Hasanski Sladki’ fenoolide ja antotsüaanide sialadus oli katteta variandis oluliselt suurem, kui talvelooriga variandis. Antioksüdatiivset aktiivsust kevadkate ei mõjutanud.The problem in Nordic viticulture is the cold weather and night frosts in the spring. With spring covers, plants can be protected from night frosts in spring and flowers can be protected during flowering in cold weather. Previous studies at the University of Life Sciences have focussed on the cover materials and it has been found that the effect of the cover depends on both the material of the cover and the variety of the vine. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of cultivar characteristics and spring covers on the phenological maturity parameters of the ‘Rondo’, ‘Hasanski Sladki’ and ‘Zilga’ wine grape varieties. The experiment was conducted in 2019 at the Estonian University of Life Sciences' Pressure Experiment Station in open field conditions. Shade cloth and frost blanket were used as cover materials. Frost blanket and no shade cloth were used on ‘Hasanski Sladki’, while both frost blanket and shade cloth were used on ‘Zilga’. The spring covers were installed on May 6 and removed on June 26. The grapevine 'Rondo', 'Zilga' and 'Hasanski Sladki’ were used for the cultivar comparison in this study. Varietal characteristics affected the main parameters of the phenological maturity of the wine grapes, such as total phenols, total anthocyanins and antioxidant activity. The ‘Rondo’ variety had the highest phenol content and the ‘Zilga’ had the lowest. The anthocyanin content was highest in the ‘Rondo’ and the lowest in the ‘Zilga’. There was a statistically significant difference between the three varieties in terms of phenol content, anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity. Spring covers significantly affected the parameters of phenological maturity. In the case of ‘Zilga’, the content of phenols, anthocyanins and the antioxidant activity were significantly higher in the frost blanket variant. The content of phenols and anthocyanins in ‘Hasanski Sladki’ were significantly higher where no cover cloth was used than in the variant where frost blanket was utilised. The antioxidant activity was not affected by the spring covers

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