Collaboration of Turkish Scholars: Local or Global?


Collaboration patterns of scholars have been the subject of many studies. This paper investigates the collaboration patterns of the Turkish scholars’ publications within the citation indexes. Turkey’s contribution to the world’s scientifi c literature has increased signifi cantly during the recent years. It is important to understand the collaboration types in scholarly communication in order to derive a legitimate scientifi c publication policy in Turkey. In this context, the following research questions have been addressed: 1. Is the multiple authorship prevalent in the Turkish publications? 2. Does the collaboration rate change by year? 3. What is the distribution of collaboration types (intranational/international) authored by Turkish scholars? 4. Does the rate and type of collaboration diff er across the disciplines? 5. Which countries are the most important collaborative partners of Turkish scholars? Based on the analysis of fi ndings, we found that Turkish scholars generally collaborate intranationall

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