
U radu će se navesti i opisati konstrukcijski dijelovi motora s unutrašnjim izgaranjem, te će se navesti njihova namjena i karakteristike. Obradit će se princip rada četverotaktnog i dvotaktnog Otto motora, te će se navesti razlika između njih. Obradit će priprema gorive smjese kod Otto motora, objasniti uloga i važnost rasplinjača. Motori s unutarnjim izgaranjem su strojevi u kojima gorivo izgara neposredno unutar radnog prostora, a toplinska energija koja nastaje, pretvara se u mehanički rad tj. kretanje automobila.The paper will list and describe the structural parts of the internal combustion engine and will indicate their purpose and characteristics. The principle of operation of the four-stroke and two-stroke Otto engines will be discussed and the differences between them will be stated. The preparation of the fuel mixture with the Otto engine will be elaborated, as well as the role and importance of the carburetor. Internal combustion engines are machines in which fuel is burned directly inside the workspace, and the resulting heat energy is converted into mechanical work, ie. the movement of cars

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