Formiranje baznog modela transporta poljoprivrednih proizvoda


In this paper basic principles of transport organization in agriculture are presented as well as details about the transportation cycles. The paper also gives all necessary inputs for the model definition regarding the transportation for the agricultural products. The paper deals with the development of the basic model for calculation of the necessary resources in optimal transportation organization. Development of the plan is very important and the plan itself is only a single document in the given time section. Development of such a plan should make planning and development of the basic plan easier. The most important part of this research was to define and analyze all the necessary inputs for the optimal organization of the agricultural product transportation.U radu su objašnjeni principi organizacije transportnog procesa i transportnog ciklusa i dati su svi potrebni inputi za formiranje baznog modela transporta poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Predmet ovog rada je razvoj baznog modela transporta i proračun potrebnih resursa. Izrada plana je bitna i bitan je plan kao dokument po kome se postupa, ali plan je samo jedan dokument u datom preseku vremena. Upravo razvoj ovakvog modela treba da omogući lakše planiranje i izradu osnovnog plana i sve njegove naknadne korekcije. Praktičan cilj rada su osnovni parametri modela neophodni u procesu planiranja optimizacije transportnih sistema

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