According to past investigations into the influence of crop rotation on yield
of winter wheat seed, it was found that yields varied most depending on the influence of
meteorological conditions. Therefore the influence of autumn, spring and total amount
of rainfall on grain yield of winter wheat was investigated in monoculture and two crop
rotation. The investigations are related to fifteen-year period (1991/92-2005/06) on
experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture «Radmilovac». The type of the soil on
which the sort of winter wheat Pobeda was grown, in conditions of natural water regime
was luvic chernozem.
Based on statistical analysis of obtained data, by method of variant analysis, it can
be concluded that winter whaet yields in investigated years were statistically and
significantly different. On the basis of correlation and regression dependance of
obtained grain yields of winter wheat on spring, winter and total amount of rainfall it
was found that increasing the amount of autumn rainfall, grain yield was decreasing,
especially in monoculture. However, increasing spring and total amount of rainfall,
wheat grain yield increased in both investigated systems of growing. It means that in
examined area (central part of Serbia) there is a sufficient amount of rainfall in winter
period and that every increasing of the amount can decrease grain yield or even endanger
wheat production. Therefore, the reason for lower grain yield of winter wheat in
examined area was mainly lack of precipitation in spring period, when water is the most
necessary for plants.U dosadašnjim ispitivanjima uticaja plodoreda na prinos zrna ozime pšenice
ustanovljeno je da su prinosi najviše varirali pod uticajem meteoroloških uslova. Zbog
toga je u ovom radu ispitivan uticaj zimskih, prolećnih i ukupnih padavina na prinos zrna
ozime pšenice u monokulturi i dvopoljnom plodoredu. Istraživanja se odnose na
petnaestogodišnji period (1991/92-2005/06. godine) na oglednom polju Poljoprivrednog
fakulteta «Radmilovac». Tip zemljišta na kome je gajena sorta ozime pšenice Pobeda, u
uslovima prirodnog vodnog režima je izluženi černozem.
Na osnovu statističke analize dobijenih rezultata, metodom analize varijanse, došlo
se do zaključka da su prinosi ozime pšenice u ispitivanim godinama bili statistički
značajno različiti. Na osnovu korelacione i regresione zavisnosti dobijenih prinosa zrna
ozime pšenice od količine prolećnih, zimskih i ukupnih padavina ustanovljeno je da sa
povećanjem količina zimskih padavina prinos zrna se smanjuje, posebno u monokulturi.
Međutim, sa povećanjem količina prolećnih i ukupnih padavina prinos zrna pšenice se
povećavao u oba ispitivana sistema gajenja. To znači da u ispitivanom području
(centralna Srbija) uglavnom ima dovoljno padavina u zimskom periodu i svako
povećanje količina može smanjiti prinos zrna ili čak ugroziti proizvodnju pšenice. Dakle,
razlog nižih prinosa zrna ozime pšenice u ispitivanom području su uglavnom nedostatak
padavina u prolećnem periodu, kada je biljkama voda i najpotrebnija