Međusobni uticaj različitih parametara pri monitoringu prinosa


en measuring and analyzing site-specific yield known as the yield monitoring within a wider cycle of precise agriculture, about 30 parameters are measured from inertia for mapping yields. The most important parameters with the default three parameters that define the location (latitude, longitude and elevation) are mass grain yield and grain moisture. In addition to this data during the yield monitoring, the temperature of the grain, speed of the combine and delution of precision (DOP) were also observed in this paper. By simple statistical testing of the correlation between these parameters, the level of mutual influence was determined, among other things, the degree of influence of all mentioned and observed parameters on yield, in response to the research question whether the yield affects another parameter other than the location and physical and chemical properties of the land at that location . A different degree of influence was determined, but no significant additional impact on the yield was calculated by measuring and measuring the measurement itself. For the monitoring of the yield of seed wheat harvesting on the "Mladost" PKB, Tabla 2, the Class Lexion 450 harvester with an upgraded system for monitoring the AGL Technology manufacturer was used. For the statistical analysis, the parametric method of correlation within the software package SPSS Statistics v.21 was used.Pri merenju i analizi lokacijski specifičnog prinosa poznatijeg kao monitoring prinosa u okviru šireg ciklusa precizne poljoprivrede meri se oko 30 parametara od interesa za mapiranje prinosa i šire. Najvažniji parametri uz podrazumevana tri parametra koja definišu lokaciju (latituda, longituda i elevacija) su maseni prinos zrna i vlažnost zrna. Uz ove podatke tokom monitoringa prinosa u ovom radu posmatrani su i temperatura zrna, brzina kretanja kombajna i odstupanje preciznosti lociranja (DOP). Jednostavnim statističkim testiranjem korelacije između ovih parametara utvrđen je nivo međusobnog uticaja, između ostalog i stepen uticaja svih navedenih i posmatranih parametara na prinos, kao odgovor na istraživačko pitanje da li na prinos utiče još neki parametar osim lokacije i fizičko-hemijskih osobina zemljišta na toj lokaciji. Utvrđen je različit stepen uticajnosti, ali nije otkriven ni jedan značajan dodatni uticaj na prinos izračunat posredstvom merenja i makon samog merenja. Za monitoring prinosa pri žetvi semenske pšenice na imanju „Mladost“ PKB, Tabla 2, korišćen je kombajn Class Lexion 450 sa nadograđenim sistemom za monitoring AGL Technology proizvođača. Za statističku analizu korišćena je parametarska metoda korelacije u okviru softverskog paketa SPSS Statistics v.21

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