Uticaj različitih muznih sistema na kvalitet mleka u toku muže krava


If the procedures of preparation for milking and finishing operations are conducted correctly, then it can be expected to produce top-quality milk. It is, therefore, necessary to know the basis of physiology of milk secretion, possible sources of contamination and handling procedures with milk after the milking. One of the essential conditions for reducing clinical and subclinical udder diseases and top-quality milk production (somatic cells count ≤ 400000/ml, the total number of microorganisms ≤100000/ml) is milking procedure that involves stimulating and hygienic procedures of udder preparation, milking process, after milking procedures and hygiene of milking equipment. The subject of this study was to determine the influence of preparatory procedures for milking, as well as the milking with different types of milking equipments on hygienic and bacteriological safety of raw milk on family farms.Ukoliko se postupci pripreme za mužu, muža i završne operacije, izvode pravilno, onda se može dobiti mleko vrhunskog kvaliteta. Zato je neophodno poznavanje osnova fiziologije lučenja mleka, mogućih izvora kontaminacije i postupaka sa mlekom posle muže. Jedan od bitnih uslova da se smanje kliničke i subkliničke bolesti vimena i proizvede mleko ekstra klase (broj somatskih ćelija ≤ 400000/ml, ukupan broj mikroorganizama ≤ 100000/ml) jeste procedura muže koja obuhvata stimulativne i higijenske procedure pripreme vimena, tok muže, proceduru nakon muže i higijenu aparata za mužu. Predmet istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj pripremnih postupaka muže, kao i sam proces muže različitim tipovima muznih uređaja na higijensku i bakteriološku ispravnost sirovog mleka na porodičnim farmama

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