Ishrana i faktor kondicije klijena (Squalius cephalus) iz rijeke Spreče


The aim of this study is to determine nutrition of chub and its general condition in a polluted watercourse, such as the lower course of the river Spreča, which passes through the industrial installations and which is burdened with different organic and industrial waste, as well as the comparison of the obtained data, with the data from our wider environment. Analyzing the nutrition chub during the summer feeding period, we confirmed that this is the omnivor species and that in the intestinal tract remains of the plant, as well as animal feed could be found. The lovest condicion factor has been determined by chub at age 0+.Cilj našeg rada je utvrđivanje načina ishrane klijena i njegovog opšteg stanja u zagađenoj tekućici, kao što je donji tok rijeke Spreče. Ovaj vodotok prolaskom kroz industrijska postrojenja biva opterećen različitim organskim i industrijskim otpadom. Izvršena je komparacija dobijenih podataka sa podacima iz našeg šireg okruženja. Analizirajući ishranu klijena u periodu ljetnog hranjenja, potvrdili smo da je to omnivorna vrsta i da se u probavnom traktu mogu pronaći ostaci biljne, ali i životinjske hrane. Najmanji kondicioni faktor je utvrđen kod klijena uzrasta 0+

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