Empirijski kinetički model hidrolize proteina belanceta pretretiranih ultrazvučnim talasima visoke frekvencije


The subject of this paper was the examination of the influence of enzyme and substrate concentrations and temperature on the initial reaction rate of hydrolysis of the egg white catalyzed with Alcalase 2.4 L (Protease from Bacillus licheniformis). The main objective of this paper was investigating the effect of the ultrasound on the reaction rate of hydrolysis and modeling of enzymatic process of hydrolysis of the egg white protein in order to develop the process and design the enzyme reactor. The substrate in this reaction was 10 % w/w solution of egg white pretreated with ultrasound waves the frequency of 35 kHz during 30 min. Proper kinetic model with substrate inhibition and the enzyme inactivation were applied to the results and good congruence between model and experimental data was achieved. The calculated kinetic constants indicate that the ultrasonic pretreatment causes an increase in the degree of hydrolysis of the enzyme reaction.U ovom radu ispitivan je uticaj koncentacije enzima, supstrata i temperature na početnu brzinu reakcije hidrolize proteina belanceta katalizovane Alkalazom 2,4 L (proteaza iz Bacillus licheniformis). Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje uticaja ultrazvučnih talasa na brzinu reakcije hidrolize, kao i modelovanje enzimskog procesa hidrolize proteina belanceta u cilju dobijanja projektnih jednačina neophodnih za projektovanje i dizajn enzimskog reaktora. Kao supstrat korišćen je 10 % w/w rastvor belanceta prethodno tretiran ultrazvučnim talasima frekvencije 35 kHz u toku 30 minuta. Dobijeni eksperimentalni rezultati modelovani su kinetičkim modelom koji uzima u obzir inhibiciju supstratom i deaktivaciju enzima. Predloženi kinetički model dao je dobro slaganje sa dobijenim eksperimentalnim rezultatima. Izračunate kinetičke konstante ukazuju da pretretman ultrazvučnim talasima dovodi do povećanja stepena hidrolize

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