Biološka kontrola skladišnih fitopatogenih gljiva


The intensive use of fungicides has resulted in accumulation of toxic compounds potentially hazardous to humans and environment, and also in the build up of resistance of the pathogens. The development and application of biological agents is one of the alternative measures. Screening is a critical step in the development of biological control agents. The success of all subsequent stages depends on the ability of a screening procedure to identify an appropriate candidat. In the last two decades a large number of studies have shown that antagonistic migroorganisms from the genus Trichoderma, Gliocladium, Bacillus and Streptomyces able to reduce the activity of postharvest fungal pathogens.Intenzivna primena fungicida dovela je do nagomilavanja toksičnih jedinjenja, potencijalno opasnih po zdravlje ljudi i životnu sredinu, i razvoja rezistentnosti patogena. Razvoj i primena bioloških agenasa je jedna od alternativnih mera. Skrining je kritičan korak u razvoju bioloških agenasa. Uspeh u svim kasnijim fazama zavisi od postupka skrininga i identifikacije odgovarajućeg antagoniste. U toku poslednje dve decenije mnogobrojna istraživanja su pokazala da biološki agensi iz roda Trichoderma, Gliocladium, Bacillus i Streptomyces imaju sposobnost redukcije skladišnih fitopatogenih gljiva

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