Uticaj neravnomerne distribucije virusa bronzavosti paradajza na serološko dokazivanje virusa u paradajzu, paprici i ukrasnim biljkama


Reliable detection of plant pathogens does not only mean the development of sufficiently sensitive laboratory techniques for their routine testing. Regardless of the sensitivity of applied methods, the proper selection of samples to be tested has crucial influence on method reliability. Due to uneven distribution of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in naturally infected systemic host plants, the collection and sampling of material for assaying is a critical moment upon which the reliability of laboratory procedure depends. The effect of irregular virus distribution on its serological detection was examined in tomato, pepper and four ornamental species, as its most important host plants in our country. The reliability of virus detection, depending on its uneven distribution, was assessed by serological testing of tomato and pepper symptomatic leaves and fruits, and symptomatic and asymptomatic young and old leaves, as well as flower petals of ornamentals. Although TSWV was detected using ELISA in the majority of plants included in the experiment, the tests indicated an uneven distribution and unequal concentrations of TSWV in different parts of the plants. The virus could not be detected in a certain number of subsamples, prepared from infected tomato and pepper fruits and older ornamental leaves. The virus also could not be detected in some ornamentals and tomato plants with intensive symptoms. Conversely, the virus was detected in three ornamental plants without any symptoms. Examining the virus distribution in different plant parts indicated that the reliability of ELISA could be reached not only by sampling younger ornamental leaves, but also by preparing compound samples with as much leaves as possible, or by testing a greater number of subsamples of the tested plant. Considering a small possibility of TSWV detection in tomato and pepper fruits, the infection of these should be established by testing their leaves. Besides, the data show that negative test results for the known host plants with characteristic symptoms require tests to be repeated using more sensitive methods than ELISA. These results are important as guidelines for growers and professionals who submit samples, as well as for laboratories performing routine testing.Pouzdana detekcija fitopatogenih organizama ne podrazumeva samo razvijanje dovoljno osetljivih laboratorijskih tehnika za rutinsko testiranje. Bez obzira koliko primenjene metode bile osetljive, na njihovu pouzdanost presudno utiče pravilan izbor uzoraka koji će se testirati. Za virus bronzavosti paradajza (Tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV), zbog neravnomerne distribucije u sistemično zaraženim biljkama domaćinima, prikupljanje i priprema uzoraka za testiranje predstavljaju kritični momenat od koga zavisi pouzdanost laboratorijske metode. Sprovedena su ispitivanja uticaja neravnomerne distribucije virusa u paradajzu, paprici i četiri vrste ukrasnih biljaka, kao najznačajnijim domaćinima ovog virusa u našoj zemlji. Pouzdanost detekcije virusa, u zavisnosti od njegove neravnomerne distribucije, utvrđivana je serološkim testiranjem lišća i plodova paradajza i paprike sa simptomima i simptomatičnog i asimptomatičnog mlađeg i starijeg lišća, kao i kruničnih listića ukrasnih biljaka. Iako je primenom ELISA metode TSWV dokazan u većini biljaka uključenih u eksperiment, obavljena testiranja ukazala su na neravnomernu distribuciju i različitu koncentraciju TSWV u različitim delovima biljaka. Prisustvo virusa nije moglo biti dokazano u određenom broju poduzoraka pripremljenih od zaraženih biljaka, plodova paradajza i paprike i starijeg lišća ukrasnih biljaka. Virus nije mogao biti detektovan ni u nekim ukrasnim biljkama i biljkama paradajza sa izraženim simptomima. Nasuprot tome, TSWV je dokazan u tri ukrasne biljke bez simptoma. Ispitivanja distribucije virusa u biljci ukazala su da se pouzdanost ELISA metode može postići uzorkovanjem ne samo mlađeg lišća ukrasnih biljaka, već pripremom zbirnog uzorka sa što više listova ili ispitivanjem većeg broja poduzoraka biljke koja se testira. S obzirom na malu mogućnost detekcije TSWV u plodovima paradajza i paprike, utvrđivanje zaraženosti ovih biljaka treba obaviti testiranjem lišća. Pored toga, dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je u slučaju pojave negativnih rezultata testiranjem uzoraka sa karakterističnim simptomima na poznatim domaćinima, potrebno ponoviti testiranje osetljivijim metodama od ELISA. Dobijeni rezultati značajni su kao smernica za proizvođače i stručna lica koja dostavljaju uzorke i laboratorije zadužene za rutinska testiranja

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