The Effects of Tools and Rewards Provided to White-Collar and Blue-Collar Workers and Impact on Their Motivation and Productivity


We are sure about inspiring white-collar employees who do technical, managerial, or administrative work and are defined as qualified manual workers in the middle class. Motivation usually plays an important role in the workforce and influences workers efficiency, happiness, absenteeism, relocation, and citizenship actions. Job is carried out in a workplace by white-collar employees, and they are often searching for advancement and professional growth. Blue-collar employees have little management position and are not even linked to increasing professional advancement. They also have no precise occupation to associate their personality with their jobs. They will not be satisfied with their employment. I thought that it was important to establish a plan to improve employees morale from my point of view. It is a complicated and often messy query since it cannot be solved immediately. Many workers have diverse outlooks and characters, and what motivates X does not inspire Y. The dynamic phenomenon here is recognizing and anticipating the driving factors that will satisfy and inspire any employee in the job. We also hope that this paper allows the management team to understand their workforces ability to improve its efficiency and maximize their employees satisfactio

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