Here Be Monsters: A Punctum Publishing Primer


Relative to many of the ongoing discussions and debates around the changing (and often precarious) landscapes of scholarly publishing, and especially around Open Access publishing, we at punctum books have put together a sort of "primer" (which also serves as our own, expanded vision statement) on what we see as the perils of the commodification and privitisation of the dissemination of university research, and how we feel academic publishing (ideally university-, and even more so, library-based publishing) should be proceeding. This "primer" also serves as a call to faculty-researchers who we feel are not paying as close enough attention to these issues as they should, with tips for how they can help us to move to more equitable, democratic, open, caring, and accessible forms of academic publishing. The PDF archived here does not preserve the embedded URL hyperlinks of the original, which are important in term of providing the research resources. To access the original post, with embedded hyperlinks, go here:

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