
Written output of the deaf and hard of hearing primary school students learning English as a foreign language


Contemporarily learning foreign languages it is a must for anybody who wants to acquire high quality education and be competitive on the job market. It is also true for the students who are deaf and hard of hearing. Their language disability makes it much more difficult to become a proficient foreign language user. The aim of the paper is to present the preliminary effects of the process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language to the deaf and hard of hearing students. The research presented was conducted in several primary Special Schools for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing around Poland. The study concentrates mainly on the deaf and hard of hearing students’ writing skills in English. Students’ written works were linguistically analyzed by the author of this research and also presented to “competent judges” – adult native English speakers. The results show that deaf and hard of hearing student are able to construct meaningful texts in English. However, they are very simple in their form and content. This problem needs further analysis, also the comparative ones

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