
Boredom and Psychological Time Perspective on Cognition


This study investigated psychological time with regards to a memory recognition task. The participants rated images on a 5-point scale of attractiveness. There were two different conditions, one having 40 male faces and the other containing 40 female faces. After they finished rating the faces, they made a retrospective time estimate of how long they thought they spent viewing the faces. Following this they took the Multidimensional State Boredom Scale (MSBS) to test what state of boredom they were currently experiencing. Finally they performed a memory recognition test. We noticed statistically significant differences between the two conditions based on target gender. Women who viewed the female condition made lower time estimates than women who viewed the male condition. Women also scored better on the recognition test in the female face condition. They also rated the female face condition overall higher on attractiveness than the male face condition. All in all, women who viewed the female condition seemed to be more attentionally engaged than women who viewed the male condition

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