
Ethical Unconcern Scale: Construction and Validation


This paper presents the measure development procedure of an Ethical Unconcern (EU) scale. The procedure included literature search, brainstorming, discussion groups in order to generate the pool of the initial 99 items. A student survey was conducted in order to refine the measure. Item analysis and reliability assessment resulted in a final measure of 25 items. A consumer survey was conducted in the urban area of Thessaloniki, Greece to test the new EU scale. Item-to-total correlation and alpha-if-item deleted were applied in the consumer sample and the results indicated that all items obtained coefficients greater than 0.30. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was then conducted by the employment of PCA. After eliminating three items with a factor loading <0.50, the remaining 22 items indicated five factors (with an eigenvalue >1.0) explaining 62.65% of the variance. The five factors were named Doubt, Fair-Trade, Ethical, Scepticism and Powerlessness. Then Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied in order to test whether the EU measurement model fit the data well. The AMOS SPSS was used. Goodness-of-fit results indicated that the measurement model fit the data very well (χ2=741.95, p<0.000, CFI=0.926, NFI=0.903, TLI=0.911, RMSEA=0.062)

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