Highest resolution whole body molecular imaging: Cherenkov excited luminescence scanned imaging


Whole body animal cherenkov excited luminescence sheet imaging (CELSI) was demonstrated in tissue phantoms as well as with a tumor bearing mouse to illustrate how the technique recovers high resolution through inhomogeneous tissue[1, 2]. Briefly, the beam from a standard radiation therapy linear accelerator is used as a thin sheet, as shaped by the multileaf collimators, 5mm thick and up to 60cm wide. The beam is swept up and down aross the tissue to be imaged in 0.1mm steps, achieving high precision localization of the excitation source in the tissue. The radiation sheet excites Cherenkov light throughout the tissue volume, and this light is the excitation source for molecular probes in the tissue. In this case, the oxygen senstitive probe, PtG4, a dendritic palladium porphyrin was used which has a phosphorescence lifetime sensitive to the pO2 value[3]. The set up is shown in Fig 1, along with raw data in (b), mapping of the surface data into a 2D image results in (c), with Max Intensity Projection (MIP) image, reconstruction of the data leads to the images in (d) and (e). Cherenkov targeted excitation of photosensitizer agents is also possible as has been shown recently, and using agents that take advantage of the high UV light yield, and intimate phototransfer to sensitizers or produce radical speicies effeciently. The comparative yields of scintillating particles relative to Cherenkov mediated excitation will be show, based upon Monte Carlo results and light fluence estimates. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

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