Darbo objektas. Paskirstymo centro veiklos efektyvumas.
Darbo tikslas - įvertinti paskirstymo centrų veiklos efektyvumo didinimo galimybes „X“ įmonės atveju.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Atskleisti paskirstymo centrų veiklos efektyvumo didinimo svarbą ir problemas.
2. Išanalizuoti paskirstymo centrų veiklos efektyvumo ir jo didinimo galimybes teoriniu aspektu.
3. Atlikti „X“ paskirstymo centro veiklos efektyvumo didinimo poreikio ir galimybių tyrimą.
4. Pagrįsti veiklos efektyvumo didinimo priemonių diegimo „X“ paskirstymo centre sprendimus.
Darbo metodai:
• mokslinės literatūros sisteminė loginė analizė;
• kokybinis tyrimas - pusiau struktūruotas interviu;
• daugiakriterinis vertinimas.Objectives:
1. Reveal the importance and problems of increasing the efficiency of distribution centers.
2. Analyze the efficiency of distribution centers and the possibilities of increasing it from a theoretical point of view.
3. Study of the need and possibilities for increasing the efficiency of the X distribution center.
4. Substantiate the decisions on the implementation of operational efficiency improvement measures in the X distribution center.
Research methods: systematic logical analysis of scientific literature; qualitative research - semi-structured interview; multi-criteria evaluation.
Research results:
• in the first part of the work it was established that the problems of the distribution center of UAB X are losses caused by inefficient use of human resources, insufficient automation of warehouse operations processes.
• an analysis of the scientific literature has shown that the traditional activity of a distribution center is to break down incoming goods into smaller parts and to collect consumer orders.
• The benefits of the yard management system proposed to be installed in the X distribution center are based on the fact that it provides opportunities to see and effectively control the movement of arriving vehicles and their drivers in real time, as well as the progress of processing transport orders; allows local and external users, employees of other companies, to book arrival and loading time in the warehouse..Bioekonomikos plėtros fakultetasVerslo ir kaimo vystymosi tyrimų instituta