National geography maturity examination of 2013


Straipsnis skirtas valstybinio geografijos brandos egzamino rezultatų analizei. Juo siekiama nustatyti 2013 m. egzaminą laikiusiųjų sudėtį ir rezultatų teritorinę sklaidą. Pirmoji straipsnio dalis skirta valstybinį geografijos brandos egzaminą laikiusiųjų lytinės, tautinės sudėties bei mokyklų tipų analizei. Antroje straipsnio dalyje nagrinėjami 2013 m. valstybinio geografijos brandos egzamino rezultatai. Analizės pagrindą sudaro egzamino rezultatų teritorinės sklaidos vertinimas atsižvelgiant į egzaminą laikiusiųjų sudėtį bei 2009 m. brandos egzamino rezultatus.After approval of the programme of national geography maturity examination by the order of Minister of Education and Science in year 2010 there were changed strategical and methodical provisions of geographical education. The article is applied for analysis of national geography maturity examination results. This article tries to define the candidates composition, which have taken examinations in year 2013 and territorial distribution of results. The results of analysis represent that the candidates composition, which have taken examinations in year 2013 and territorial distribution of results are related to territorial distribution of Lithuanian population and depend on peculiarities of school systems. Therefore almost the half of candidates, which have taken national geography maturity examinations, are the graduates from the five biggest municipalities of Lithuanian cities. The biggest part of candidates, which have taken national geography maturity examinations, are pupils of gymnasiums, but this examination is also very popular between pupils of secondary-schools and professsional schools. The results of pupils of comprehensive schools are higher than the average of the country, while the level of knowledge and capabilities of geography of the most pupils of professional schools and of grown-up schools are lower than the average of the country. The territorial distribution of the results of national geography maturity examination is related to composition of candidates, which have taken examination: better results are in these municipalities, where this examination were taken by the pupils of comprehensive schools or where the pupils of comprehensive schools have made the majority

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