
Self-Equilibrium state of V-Expander Tensegrity Beam


In this paper, we study an innovative class of tensegrity beams, obtained by a suitable assembly of elementary V-Expander tensegrity cells along a longitudinal axis in the three-dimensional space. Tensegrity structures, made by struts in compression and cables in tension, are an innovative structures by itself: they are similar only in appearance to conventional pin-joint structures (trusses), and their mechanics is strongly related to initial feasible self-stress states induced in absence of external loads. In particular, from a kinematical point of view these self-stress states avoid the activation of possible infinitesimal mechanisms. By a numerical study, we analyze the feasible self-stress states for lightweight tensegrity beams made by a suitable assembly of V-Expander elementary cells. Moreover, we analyze the influence on the feasible self-stress states of the addition of struts or cables starting from the simplest V-Expander configuration

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