
Seismic Hazard Analysis Of Van Province Of Turkey


Within the framework of the performance based earthquake engineering, the seismic hazardanalysis for the Van province in Turkey is performed in probabilistic manner. It is noteworthy that, in probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, as a first stage, data from geological studies and records from the instrumental period were compiled to make a seismic sourcecharacterization for the study region. Then, a seismic hazard model by using EZ-FRISKsoftware is implemented and the probabilistic seismic hazard curves were developed based onthe selected appropriate attenuation relationships, at rock sites, with a probability ofexceedance of 2%, 10% and 50% in 50-year periods. The results of probabilistic seismic hazard analyses revealed peak acceleration values for a typical rock site as 0.47g for 50%probability of exceedance in 50 years, 1.09g for 10% probability of exceedance in 50 yearsand 1.91 g for 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years. The obtained results are comparedwith N-S&E-W component taken from Muradiye station after the earthquake which occurred on 23.10.2011 in Van, N-S & E-W component taken from Van station after thee arthquake which occurred on 9.11.2011 in Van, and the spectral responses proposed forseismic evaluation and retrofit of building structure in Turkey Earthquake Code, Section 7.At the end of this study, it is apprehended that for the performance evaluation of the existing structures Code proposed earthquake response spectra are not sufficient and the currente stimations show that the potential seismic hazard in research area of the Turkey is not well estimatedin the code.

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