
European Perspective of Kosovo


Kosovo's relations with the EU continued to intensify the darting steps, especially fromJune 1999, when Kosovo came under the supervision and administration of UNMIK,where the mission of the United Nations Interim in Kosovo was based on Resolution1244 Security Council of the United Nations. As of this moment, the European Unionhas been an integral part of the effort to build new relations with Kosovo.1 The EU as aunited terse as its motto is "united in diversity" has given a great contribution toinstitution building and support economic, political, and this reinforces the continuityis increasingly in the years ongoing. European Union, together with member states,especially triggered by the European Commission played a role in the construction andpermanent development of Kosovo, and this fact becomes more bested that offermore constructive and help Kosovo.2 Over 2 billion euros in aid, are provided to assistthe processes in Kosovo by the European Commission from 1999 until the declarationof independence, it initially focused on support actions for emergency assistance andreconstruction in Kosovo, after stabilization of the EU, Concentrate on encouragingthe development of stable institutions and sustainable economic development toensure a European future for Kosovo

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