A Legislative Study on the Liability System of the Carrier in the Multimodal Transport Contract


International transport has a high proportion in international commerce. In international transport, there are land transport, maritime transport and air transport, and multimodal transport combines two or more of these means of transport. Multimodal transport-related disputes can be resolved by international arbitration or international litigation, if international lawsuit is issued, the problem of determining of the international jurisdiction and the applicable law will be arisen. Although, through international efforts, a unified convention that will regulate international multimodal transport (United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods) has been adopted, it is not yet in effect. Furthermore, since definitions of international multimodal transport in each country have not been unified, and different statutes govern individual transportation transactions in practices, confused situations have increased. At present, multimodal transport is regulated by general terms and conditions (standard transport bill of lading form or uniform rules presented by dominant private groups such as FIATA, BIMCO, ICC), not by unified statutes. As Korea didn’t have systematic legislation, there was a preceding necessity to properly establish domestic legislation, which would lead to the systematization of legal issues that involve multimodal transport. As such, in a situation that required efforts to improve the safety of international multimodal transport and the efficiency of operation of the system and to prepare for legal disputes, new provisions governing the liabilities of multimodal transport operators were revamped in Article 816, Section 5 "Marine Commerce", Commercial Code, Aug. 3. 2007, based on the existing legislative theories. More specifically, the revised Commercial Code that referred to the 1980 UN Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods stipulates that multimodal transport operators take liabilities according to the laws which would apply to the transport section in which damages or loss occurred (declaration of network liability system), or take liabilities according to the laws which would apply to the main transport section if the section in which damages or loss occurred is unclear, and they take secondary liabilities according to the laws which would apply to such sections for which freight rates are the highest. The efforts to regulate the multimodal transport, though domestically, to prevent any confusion were desirable. However, it is difficult to effectively govern the complicated legal issues of international multimodal transport with the simple one article of Commercial Code. Accordingly, it is necessary to have detailed provisions throughout multimodal transport. According to the added provisions, only when the main section is determined, applicable principles and coverage of liabilities come out. Moreover, sometimes judgment by the court may be required to determine the main section. Accordingly, rather than giving an answer to a question in a way of leaving room for interpretation, it is required to reconsider the provisions so as to anticipate the coverage of liabilities by setting liability criteria clearly. Furthermore, as the methodology to determine unclear accident sections, it is suggested to consider properly referring to one of marine related transport conventions or setting limitations of liability of the operators under the Korean Commercial Code. In terms of the legislative system, it is suggested to consider establishing a chapter that includes land transportation as well as marine transportation in the Section "Commercial Activities". Tentatively, it is possible to establish a separate part in the next of the part "Maritime Transportation", it can be desirable in the long run to consider to enact an independent act that only covers multimodal transport. In addition, when considering the principles and period of liabilities in multimodal transport and the owner and coverage of liabilities, it is necessary to continuously explore what is the best way to treat interested parties fairly so as to reflect it into legislation. The revision of the Commercial Code relating to multimodal transport is under operation, so if the applicable law is determined by the laws of the Republic of Korea, the substantive content can be differently determined. In this point, the choice of the network liability system is important in conjunction with the contents of the applicable law. It is urgent to pass the multimodal transport related bill, so that, if the applicable law to the multimodal transport is specified by the Republic of Korea, the law can fulfill the international standard of multimodal transport. So, this paper dealt with the law applicable to the multimodal transport that is now discussing the amendments in the Korean Commercial Code. And it discussed the liability system of the carrier in the multimodal transport contract, and proposed the revision of Korean Commercial Code of multimodal transport clause.목 차 ABSTRACT 제1장 서론 1 제1절 연구의 목적 1 제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 4 제2장 복합운송계약법의 개관 6 제1절 복합운송의 개념과 운송인책임제도 6 Ⅰ. 복합운송의 개념 6 Ⅱ. 복합운송계약상 운송인책임제도 15 1. 이종책임제도 15 2. 단일책임제도 17 3. 변형된 책임제도 17 4. 분석 및 검토 18 제2절 복합운송계약상 운송인책임제도에 관한 연혁 19 Ⅰ. 서언 19 Ⅱ. UN국제물건복합운송협약 20 1. 사법통일국제협회(UNIDROIT)의 협약안 20 2. 국제해법회(CMI)의 협약안 21 3. 국제해법회(CMI)의 도쿄규칙(Tokyo Rules) 21 4. 국제물건복합운송협약안(TCM) 22 5. UN국제물건복합운송협약의 채택 23 Ⅲ. 로테르담규칙 25 제3절 상사단체에 의한 국제적 자율규칙 27 Ⅰ. 서언 27 Ⅱ. 1975년 ICC 복합운송통일규칙 27 Ⅲ. 1992년 UNCTAD/ICC 복합운송증권규칙 28 제3장 운송인의 책임법제에 관한 비교 30 제1절 서언 30 제2절 책임원칙과 관련된 법제 32 Ⅰ. 해상운송계약법 33 1. 국제협약 33 2. 국내법 40 Ⅱ. 육상운송계약법 42 1. 국제협약 42 2. 국내법 43 Ⅲ. 항공운송계약법 45 1. 국제협약 45 2. 국내법 49 Ⅳ. UN국제물건복합운송협약 51 Ⅴ. 상사단체에 의한 국제적 자율규칙 52 제3절 책임범위와 관련된 법제 53 Ⅰ. 해상운송계약법 53 1. 국제협약 53 2. 국내법 56 Ⅱ. 육상운송계약법 57 1. 국제협약 57 2. 국내법 58 Ⅲ. 항공운송계약법 59 1. 국제협약 59 2. 국내법 60 Ⅳ. UN국제물건복합운송협약 63 1. UN국제물건복합운송협약의 특징 63 2. UN국제물건복합운송협약의 책임한도액 63 Ⅴ. 상사단체에 의한 국제적 자율규칙 64 제4절 청구권 확보와 관련된 법제 65 Ⅰ. 해상운송계약법 65 1. 국제협약 65 2. 국내법 69 Ⅱ. 육상운송계약법 70 1. 국제협약 70 2. 국내법 70 Ⅲ. 항공운송계약법 71 1. 국제협약 71 2. 국내법 72 Ⅳ. UN국제물건복합운송협약 73 Ⅴ. 상사단체에 의한 국제적 자율규칙 74 제5절 소결 75 제4장 현행법상 복합운송인의 책임 및 준거법 결정 77 제1절 서언 77 제2절 현행 상법의 규정 및 그 문제점 78 Ⅰ. 상법규정 및 그 내용 78 1. 상법의 규정 78 2. 상법의 내용 79 Ⅱ. 상법규정의 문제점 80 1. 입법의 배경 80 2. 적용범위 81 3. 입법체계 82 4. 책임체계 84 5. 책임범위에 대한 명확한 기준 설정의 필요 84 6. 강행규정성 86 제3절 복합운송계약의 준거법 87 Ⅰ. 의의 87 Ⅱ. 복합운송계약의 준거법 91 1. 당사자간 준거법약정이 있는 경우 92 2. 당사자간 준거법약정이 없는 경우 92 3. 복합운송계약에서 단기제소기간의 효력 96 Ⅲ. 지상약관의 효력 105 1. 지상약관의 의의 105 2. 선하증권에 삽입된 지상약관의 법적 성질과 효력 108 3. 용선계약에서 지상약관의 법적 성질과 효력 109 4. 대법원 판결 110 제4절 소결 113 제5장 복합운송계약에 관한 입법론 115 제1절 서언 115 제2절 입법의 필요성 116 제3절 입법방향과 입법체계 119 Ⅰ. 입법방향 119 Ⅱ. 입법체계 120 제4절 정의규정 122 제5절 복합운송인의 책임제도 124 Ⅰ. 책임원칙 124 1. 확인된 손해인 경우 126 2. 숨겨진 손해인 경우 129 Ⅱ. 복합운송인의 책임한도 132 1. 책임의 한도 133 2. 책임제한권의 상실 136 3. 손해배상총액에 대한 책임한도 138 Ⅲ. 비계약적 청구에 대한 적용 138 Ⅳ. 책임경감의 금지 143 제6절 청구권의 확보방안 144 Ⅰ. 운송물의 일부 멸실․훼손에 관한 통지 144 Ⅱ. 운송인의 채권․채무의 소멸 146 1. 규정의 필요성 147 2. 복합운송증권상의 규정 148 제7절 준거법 문제 150 Ⅰ. 서언 150 Ⅱ. 국제사법의 규정 150 Ⅲ. 준거법 결정과정과 책임체계의 검토 152 제6장 결론 153 참고문헌 16

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