Variation of Harbor Oscillation Characteristics due to Construction of New Port in Yeoungil Bay


Today, harbor oscillation problems are the most significant factor to consider when designing harbors serving very large ships. In coastal harbors, large vessels moored in the elastic hawsers are often displaced due to the resonance between long period waves and mooring systems. As a result, cargo handling may be interrupted and the hawsers may be broken, especially when the amplification becomes extreme. The most significant harbor confronted with harbor oscillation problem in Korea is Pohang New port. Many cases of problems are being reported by the Pohang pilot association and the local office of MOMAF (Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries). However, it is difficult to prevent the arrival of long waves causing oscillations within this harbor. Moreover, the Korean government has already started a new port plan at the mouth of Yeongil Bay without addressing the problems that have occurred in Pohang New port. This study deals with the variation of harbor oscillation due to the construction of a 4.1 km breakwater at the bay mouth including the arrangement of the new berths. Numericalmethods used are in fairly standard form from the extended mile slope equation. The obtained numerical results were compared with field measurement from the previous and this will bring a certain level of discussion and consideration of variation to the future port development.제 1 장 서론 = 1 1.1 연구 배경 = 1 1.2 연구 목적 및 방법 = 2 제 2 장 기본이론 및 수치모델 = 4 2.1 부진동의 기본 이론 = 4 2.2 수치모델 기본이론 = 11 2.3 경계조건 = 14 2.4 운동학적 파라메타 = 18 제 3 장 수치모델 = 22 3.1 대상영역 일반 = 22 3.2 수치모델(Numerical Model)의 수립 = 28 3.3 복합요소법의 적용 = 34 3.4 모델의 검증 = 48 3.5 과거 연구자료 및 현장관측자료 = 54 제 4 장 수치실험 및 분석 = 60 4.1 대상영역의 일반 = 60 4.2 포항신항의 고유공진주기 = 65 4.3 수치실험 및 분석 = 68 4.3.1 항만반응특성 = 68 1) 영일만 신항 건설 전 = 68 2) 영일만 신항 건설 후 = 71 3) 저감대책 도입후(방파제 확장) = 74 4.3.2 항만별 반응특성 비교 = 77 1) 포항신항 = 77 2) 포항구항 = 79 3) 영일만 신항 = 82 4.3.3 부진동 저감공법 적용 분석 = 85 1) 포항 신항 = 85 2) 포항 구항 = 87 3) 영일만 신항 = 90 4.4 수치실험결과 = 92 제 5 장 결론 = 96 참고 문헌 = 9

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