
Conformal partial wave analysis of AdS amplitudes for dilaton-axion four-point functions


Operator product expansions are applied to dilaton-axion four-point functions. In the expansions of the bilocal fields Φ~Φ~\tilde{\Phi}\tilde{\Phi}, C~C~\tilde{C}\tilde{C} and Φ~C~\tilde{\Phi}\tilde{C}, the conformal fields which are symmetric traceless tensors of rank ll and have dimensions δ=2+l\delta=2+l or 8+l+η(l)8+l+\eta(l) and η(l)=O(N2)\eta(l)=\mathcal{O}(N^{-2}) are identified. The unidentified fields have dimension δ=λ+l+η(l)\delta=\lambda+l+\eta(l) with λ10\lambda\geq 10. The anomalous dimensions η(l)\eta(l) are calculated at order O(N2)\mathcal{O}(N^{-2}) for both 21/2(Φ~Φ~+C~C~)2^{-{1/2}}(-\tilde{\Phi}\tilde{\Phi} + \tilde{C}\tilde{C}) and 21/2(Φ~C~+C~Φ~)2^{-{1/2}}(\tilde{\Phi}\tilde{C} + \tilde{C}\tilde{\Phi}) and are found to be the same, proving U(1)YU(1)_Y symmetry. The relevant coupling constants are given at order O(1)\mathcal{O}(1).Comment: 27 pages, 1 graph, 12 figures, Corrections in eqns. (1.10), (1.11

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