Marina Development in the Port Redevelopment Site


Marina Development in the Port Redevelopment Site - Case Study for the Busan North Port Redevelopment - Lee, Hyeong Ha Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate School of Korea Maritime University Abstract During the past four decades the continuing demand for more small craft and pleasure boat facilities in the world has led to the expansion and refurbishment of existing marinas, to the creation of many new ones, and to the study and design of more facilities to be constructed in the future. Recently there rise strong demands for marina facility and service for domestic tour and leisure industries, too. Marina and small craft harbor development is, however, capital intensive and the risk of failure significant. Successful development requires careful concept and business analysis, appropriate engineering and scientific investigation, thoughtful financing selection and responsive operation. And there is further complexity in the general administrative and support bodies and interference with other coastal interests and activities during development and operation. This study attempts to establish the importance and role of marina facility development which fit for the development concept sojourn marine tourism and international marine tour hub at the center of the south-east coastal tour belt in the Busan north port. General investigation and analysis were being given to the feature of marina facility development and character of management status for domestic and foreign developed countries. And the legal process of marina development and governmental supporting activation policies surveyed, would be suggestive to domestic marina development. It appears that a civic participation type of port redevelopment project in the Busan north port is underway in the area of existing No.1~No.5 piers by making the best use of its geographical merit of international transportation nodal point. The project also includes construction of environment sound waterfront facilities, grand scale civic park, and international cruise terminal that could be a landmark of Busan, etc. Especially, the construction and operation plan for the new marina of waterfront facility arrangement in the Busan north port redevelopment site is the first national project in this country and there is not a similar case. Therefore, it was focused to empirical analysis on the necessary several elements for construction and management of marina in the port redevelopment site and inducing marina development and operation policies based on this analysis. From the establishment of marina development direction and concept, specification of reflected facilities and scale, and introduction of land use plan, facility arrangement plan, and building plan, etc, the marina development which fits for the concept of Busan north port redevelopment was discussed in detail. And the method and process of marina development, evaluation standard of plan, proper strategy from the feasibility and business analyses, marina operation and management, and facility maintenance policy were suggested. In closing this study presents various measures for the development of marina and operation model according to activation policy and analytic feasibility study. The results of this research would be an important guide for the new marina development in the port redevelopment site or in the fishery port remodeling hereafter.목 차 List of Tables ⅴ List of Figures ⅸ Abstract ⅺ 제1장 서론 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 1.2 연구의 내용 및 방법 4 제2장 마리나 개발 및 운영실태 분석 2.1 마리나의 특성 5 2.1.1 마리나의 주요기능별 역할 6 2.1.2 시설의 종류 6 2.1.3 시설의 입지조건 9 2.1.4 개발의 필요성 10 2.1.5 국내 마리나 산업의 잠재력 10 2.1.6 마리나의 경관 14 2.1.7 국내․외 마리나의 현황 17 2.1.8 전국의 마리나 수요예측 20 2.1.9 국내 계류비용 분석 25 2.2 마리나 개발의 유형 26 2.2.1 국내 마리나 개발의 특성 26 2.2.2 해외 마리나 개발의 특성 28 2.2.3 부산권 마리나 개발의 특성 30 2.3 마리나 운영의 특성 34 2.3.1 국내 마리나 운영의 특성 34 2.3.2 해외 마리나 운영의 특성 35 2.3.3 각 국의 마리나 운영특성 비교 39 2.3.4 국내․외 마리나 개발의 문제점 및 시사점 41 제3장 국내 마리나 개발의 활성화정책 분석 3.1 정부의 관련정책 개관 및 추진현황 47 3.2 관련 정책별 주요내용 분석 48 3.2.1 해양레저장비산업 경쟁력 강화 및 활성화 48 3.2.2 해양레저산업 클러스터 구축 50 3.2.3 해양레저산업 규제 개혁 및 합리화 51 3.2.4 지역관광 및 해양레저스포츠 활성화 52 3.2.5 해양관광자원 개발 55 3.3 마리나 개발사업 추진전략 55 3.3.1 마리나 사업추진 절차 55 3.3.2 단계별 개발사업 추진전략 63 3.3.3 각 기관별 역할 67 3.4 마리나 활성화를 위한 실천계획 70 3.4.1 마리나 활성화 전략 설정 70 3.4.2 마리나 활성화를 위한 실천과제 71 제4장 마리나 개발 재정지원 및 타당성 분석 4.1 재정지원의 기본 및 대상 73 4.1.1 기본방향 73 4.1.2 지원 대상시설과 규모 73 4.1.3 지원의 상한설정 및 지원규모 산정절차 75 4.2 재무적 타당성 분석 78 4.2.1 타당성 분석 절차 78 4.2.2 타당성 분석 범위 및 방법 79 제5장 마리나 개발의 실증분석 5.1 부산북항 마리나 87 5.1.1 대상부지의 현황 87 5.1.2 부산북항 재개발사업 계획 90 5.1.3 마리나의 개발 기본구상 92 5.1.4 북항마리나 수요예측 94 5.1.5 개발계획 104 5.2 개발 추진 전략 111 5.2.1 개발추진 방향 111 5.2.2 무상사용기간 및 부지사용료 121 5.2.3 공공기관의 사업참여 방안 및 수익구조 124 5.2.4 재원조달 및 투자유치전략 125 5.2.5 마리나개발 선정지침 139 5.2.6 유사사례 분석 142 5.3 운영관리방안 154 5.3.1 재난 및 재해예방 155 5.3.2 해양오염방지 및 환경개선 161 5.3.3 시설물 운영 및 관리 164 5.3.4 비용 부담과 집행 178 5.4 비용효과 분석 183 5.4.1 분석의 기본전제 183 5.4.2 총사업비 및 운영비용 산정 186 5.4.3 비용효과 분석결과 193 5.5 사업시행 방안 및 기대효과 194 5.5.1 사업시행 방안 194 5.5.2 기대효과 198 5.6 부산북항 마리나 시설의 종합 배치 202 제6장 결론 및 제언 6.1 결론 203 6.2 정책적 제언 205 감사의 글 209 참고문헌 211 부록 A. 용어의 정의 215 부록 B. 국내 마리나의 특성 219 부록 C. 해외 마리나의 특성 229 List of Tables Major function and role of marina facilities 6 Types of marina facilities 7 Types of yacht and boat stored in the marina port 8 Site condition for basic facilities 9 Status of domestic marina development 18 Status of major yacht competition in the world 19 Number of leisure boats owned 21 Result of estimation for leisure boat 21 Result of demand estimation for each district 23 Development demand for each district 23 Related marina development for each district 24 Mooring Cost of domestic marina 25 Status for driving domestic marina project 27 Status for facilities induced in domestic marina 28 Status for driving foreign marina project 29 Status for facilities induced in foreign marina 30 Status of Busan Suyoung marina 31 Status of Busan Baekunpo marina 32 Status of Busan Namcheon marina 33 Analysis of marina operation and management for each country 40 Problems and causes of domestic marina 42 Site distribution of foreign marina 43 Status of related policies of governmental bodies 47 Specific activation plan for marine leisure gear industry 50 Specific driving policies of restriction renovation for marine leisure gear industry 52 Problem of marine leisure industry and suggest for improvement 54 Status of driving marine tour resource development 55 Step by step project target and driving direction 63 The role of central governmental bodies and priority jobs for the process 68 The role of local government and jobs in priority 69 The role of the Regional Maritime Affairs & Port Administration and major jobs 69 List of action plan for marina revitalization-1 71 List of action plan for marina revitalization-2 72 Development pattern of project administrative 79 Limit of financial feasibility analysis for each development plan 80 Occupation rate of foreigners in tourism 89 Status of tour resources in Busan city 89 Comparison of demand prediction method through the case study 94 Status for business place and private owned aqua leisure gears in 2010 96 Prediction of growth of domestic aqua leisure gears in 2020 97 Recalculation of regional aqua leisure gears in 2020 98 Demand prediction for domestic aqua leisure gears per regional and storing place (scenario-1) 99 Demand prediction for regional marina use (scenario-2) 99 Result of demand prediction for regional domestic marina (scenario-3) 100 Marina demand prediction for Busan city in 2020 101 Marina capacity of Gyeongnam province 101 Marina demand prediction for Busan North Port redevelopment site in 2020 101 Specification of pleasure boat 102 Registration status per vessel length of overall 103 Type of predicted pleasure boat for use target 103 Building area and space plan 106 Pattern comparison of driving project policy by administrative bodies 114 Comparison of private development project type 115 Financing plan for public authority 116 Driving process of private proposed project for port redevelopment plan 117 Project for private investment invitation 118 Profit rate by BOT 122 Profit rate by BTO 122 Result of profit investigation for investment and share 125 Merit and demerit of project financing 126 Status of investment per administrative body 129 Invitation process for investment 130 Enhancement method for investment attraction level 133 Standard for selection of potential investor 134 Foreign major specialized potential marina investor 135 Reduction of charterage by the foreign investment promotion law 136 Reduction of national property charterage by the foreign investment promotion law 137 Dangerous element at the stage of investment invitation and responding strategy 138 Other supporting target and content by the foreign investment promotion law 138 Contents of evaluation for the marina business of Busan North port 145 Score evaluation sheet for Busan Suyeong marina-1 146 Score evaluation sheet for Busan Suyeong marina-2 147 Suggest for evaluation items and score for project plan 149 Score evaluation sheet for Busan North port marina proposal 151 Criterion for special climate report 156 Step by step management plan for disasters 157 Step by step preparedness 158 Guide for action of vessels at the special climate report 159 Criterion for storm surge attention and warning 159 Specific contents for recovering storm surge damages 160 Scale and Impact of earthquake 160 Management plan of step by step accident and disaster 161 Management plan for pollution source in the maintenance of facilities and yachts 163 Major management and operation points per items 166 Contents of team organization and their major duties 167 Management system setup and criterion for duty classification 168 Management core items of facilities and project process 169 Interior convenience facilities of mooring basin 170 Exterior convenience facilities of mooring basin 171 Responding plan for fire accident 174 Mooring fees for foreign and domestic marinas 179 Result of moorage analysis 180 Contents of law for port facility use 181 Types of port facility charge 182 Building and site charterage for Busan North port facilities 182 The basic premise conditions 185 Calculation of total project cost 186 Annual gross investment 187 Financing plan for investment fund 188 Financing plan for club house management 189 Income plan for club house management 189 Income plan for marina mooring 190 Summary of cash flow for marina development and management 191 Result of feasibility investigation for BOT project 192 Result of feasibility investigation for BTO project 192 List of Figures Trend of population increase in the marine leisure activities 11 Trend of Gross National Income per capita(GNI) 11 Trend of maneuvering licence acquisitors for aquatic motor leisure gear 12 Increasing trend for yacht and boat 12 High incomes and number of leisure boats 13 Number of super/luxury yachts and boats in the East-north Asia 13 Status of foreign marina development 19 Prediction process for marina demand 20 Result of estimation for nationwide marina demand 22 Location map for marina development 24 Flow chart for marina management and problem solved 42 Site distribution of foreign marina 44 Example of marina interrelated industrial complex 44 Example of marina interrelated tour & leisure complex 45 Example of marina interrelated urban space 46 Type of marine leisure gears 49 Flow chart of driving process for marina development project 56 Conceptual diagram for marina revitalization strategy 70 Process for financing support feasibility investigation 78 Profit level of private investment business for domestic port facilities 85 Location map for Busan North Port marina development 87 Commercial zones in the vicinity of Busan station 88 Number of foreign visitors at Busan city 89 Project target and driving strategy 90 Land use plan for Busan North port redevelopment 91 Land use plan 91 Busan North port redevelopment plan 92 Diagram for marina industry structure 93 Flow chart for demand prediction of North port marina 95 Predicted regional domestic aqua leisure gears 96 Prediction and trend for growth domestic aquatic leisure gears 97 General arrangement plan for marina 105 Exterior space plan 105 Traffic management plan 107 Arrangement plan for the basement 107 Arrangement plan for the 1st floor 108 Arrangement plan for the 2nd floor 108 Arrangement plan for the 3rd & 4th floor 109 Section plan 110 Exterior material and Environment sound plan 110 Flow chart for inducing project driving method 112 Driving process for private proposal project by the marina law 120 Land use cost and IRR 123 Basic structure of PF development project 127 Status of Foreigner Direct Investment(FDI) to Korea 128 Direction of investment invitation strategy 130 Decision process for investment invitation company 132 Flow chart for induction of evaluation criteria and method 143 Average room rate and annual change rate 190 Pattern of world yacht and boat event 198 Pattern for regional spreading effect 199 Comprehensive master plan for Busan North port marina development 20

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