[[alternative]]A study on risk management of underwriting operational risk for life insurance


[[abstract]]近年來由於保險商品不斷創新及多元化、保險詐欺的盛行、相關法令的變更頻仍,使得核保作業越趨於複雜化。此外國內外發生公司內部員工舞弊的事件,均使得公司遭受極大的損失、商譽受損甚至倒閉。本研究依據保險業風險管理實務守則中的作業風險分類,將壽險核保作業風險區分為四大類,自各種可能的風險因素中,找出關鍵的影響因素。並針對個人壽險核保作業流程之重要作業點,依可能產生的風險因素,建立監控機制。本研究採專家問卷方式,將調查結果依各項核保作業風險因子的發生機率及可能造成公司營運影響程度建立風險地圖,提供壽險公司制定核保政策與風險評估之參考,以避免或降低作業風險並確保經營安全。 In recent years, the innovation and diversification of the insurance product, fraud prevalence, and modification of insurance product laws led to the complication in underwriting process. Besides, the occurrence of fraud within the insurance company’s employees resulted in the company’s substantial losses, the damage of the commercial goodwill, and the collapse of the company. This study was based on the classifications of the Code of Practice of Insurance risk Management, and divided the risk life insurance underwriting operations into four categories. Moreover, this study also identified the key significant factors for individual life insurance underwriting processes from the various possible risk factors to establish monitoring mechanism. This study was based on Expert Delphi survey. After conducting the questionnaire and collecting the feedbacks, the experts’ opinions of the survey would reach the consensus. The consequence of this study would establish a risk mapping by the probability and the corporation operating influential level of various underwriting risk factors’ occurrence, providing the risk assessments and references for the life insurance company’s underwriting directors to impose the underwriting policies, and to avoid or reduce operational risk to ensure the safety of the insurance company.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國內[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]N[[countrycodes]]TW

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