Vzaimootnošenija bazovyh dvigatel\u27nyh sposobnostej i uspešnosti v basketbole


Povezanost bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti definiranih kao koordinacija, realizacija ritmičkih struktura, ravnoteža, frekvencija pokreta, brzina pokreta, preciznost fleksibilnosti, sila, eksplozivna snaga, snaga i izdržljivost, i dva skupa varijabli uspješnosti u igri, analizirana je na temelju rezultata 53 studenata Fakulteta za fizičku kulturu, osrednjeg košarkaškog znana, primjenom podataka za maksimiranje kovarijanci među skupovima varijabli. Prvi skup varijabli uspješnosti predstavljale su situaciono-motoričke sposobnosti nominirane kao preciznost dodavanja, preciznost ubacivanja, manipuliranje loptom, efikasnost kretanja sa i bez lopte i snaga izbačaja lopte. Drugi skup je predstavljao osam ocjena uspješnosti u igri i to ocjene tehnike, efikasnost u napadu, stvaralaštva, odgovornosti, angažiranosti i opće uspješnosti u igri. Utvrđena je značajna i pozitivna povezanost između bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti i oba skupa varijabli uspješnost kao i svake pojedinačne dimenzije uspješnosti sa skupom primarnih motoričkih faktora. Najveći doprinosi povezanosti skupova imale su eksplozivna snaga, koordinacija, te sila, frekvencija, pokret i izdržljivost.The aim of the investigation was to establish the degree of relationship between motoric abilities and the dimensions on which performance in basketball is dependent. Basic motoric abilities, defined as latent dimensions were obtained by means of 74 tests of motoric abilities carried out on a group of 208 students of the Faculty of Physical Education (Metikos, Prot, Horvat, Kules and Hofman, 1982). For the present investigation a subgroup of 53 subjects was taken, tested for situational motoric abilities and their performance in basketball was evaluated (Blaskovic, Milanovic and Matkovic, 1982; Blasković, Milanovic, 1983). The predictive set of basic motoric abilities was represented by the following dimensions: 1. coordination (KOORDI) 2. realization of rythmic structures (RITAM) 3. BALANCE (BALANS) 4. frequency of movements (BRZOFR) 5. speed of movements (BRZJEP) 6. precision (PRECIZ) 7. flexibility (FLEKSI) 8. force (DIMSIL) 9. explosive power (EKSPLO) 10. power (REPSTA) 11. endurance (IZDRZL) The first set of criterial variables was defined as situational motoric abilities of basketball players which were as follows: 1. precision of passing (PRECDO) 2. precision of shooting (PRECUB) 3. manipulation with the ball (MANLOP) 4. efficacy of movement with and without the ball (EFKRET) 5. ball-throwing power (SNAIZB) The second set of criterial variables was extracted on the basis of evaluations of independent judges who observed each subject over four matches and awarded points for: 1. technique (TEHNIK) 2. efficacy in attack (NAPAD) 3. efficacy in defence (OBRANA) 4. creativity (STVARA) 5. responsibility (ODGOVO) 6. commitment (ANGAZI) 7. behaviour (PONASA) 8. general performance (OPCOCJ) The relationship between basic motoric abilities and each of the sets of criterial variables was estimated by means of QCR canonical analysisi of covariance (Momirovic, Dobric and Karaman, 1983) and the SRA stupid regression analysis (Stalec and Momirovic). The results obtained show a significant and relatively high correlation between basic motoric abilities and situational motoric abilities, and a significant but only moderate correlation between the predictive set and evaluations of performance in the game. This indicates that there is a relatively good possibility of using basic motoric abilities as the basis for a prognosis of situational motoric abilities. The possibility of predicting successful performance in the game by using the set of primary is considerably less in view of the great complexity of the game of basketball. In all the analysis the greatest contribution to the prognosis was given primarily by explosive power and coordination, and then by power, frequence of movements and endurance. The influence of precision (as basic motoric dimensions) on the correlation between the sets is very weak. In view of the importance of precision in basketball, this result puts forward the necessity for further research into the field of precision., both in the basic motoric space and that of situational motoric abilities of basketball players. At the same time it is necessary to carry out this investigation on a group of good players in order to gain a more complete insight into the correlation between basic motoric abilities and performance in basketball

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