Comparision between equations to estimate the energetic requirement in Antioquia’s women with overweight (Colombia)


ABSTRACT: The Energy Expenditure (EE) is the sum of the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Endogenous Thermogenesis (ET) and the Physical Activity (PA). The indirect calorimetric (IC) is one of the methods used to measure the EE in the human beings; however, there are more than 200 equations to estimate it. Objective: To compare the EE using the IC with some of the most used equations to estimate the EE at rest. Materials and Methods: There were selected 1,178 women between 18 and 73, with overweight, who assisted during 9 years (2006-2015) to private medical consultation. Statistical Analysis: It was carried out a descriptive-comparative analysis of cross-section multidimensional type. For the statistical analysis, it was used the GENERALIZED LINEAR MODEL, furthermore, it was applied unidimensional descriptive statistics. SAS University program was employed. Results: In the current investigation it was proven that as the age increases the height decreases and the average weight and BMI increases. By carrying out the statistical analysis, it was not detected any significant difference in the EE determined by the IC between the analyzed groups (p>0.05). It was detected a significant difference (p0.05). Se detectó diferencia significativa (p<0.05) en el GE según la ecuación de Harris y Benedict (HB) entre las personas de menor edad. Conclusión: al hacer el análisis general de todos los gru-pos, se encontró que la ecuación de Mifflin-St.Jeor determinó de manera significativa un menor GE, mientras que el GE obtenido por las fórmulas empíricas P2 y P3 (25 y 30 kcal/kg/día respectivamente) fue significativamente mayor en todos los grupos; no obstante el comportamiento del GE fue similar con las ecuaciones FAO-OMS, HB, P1 (20 kcals/kg/día) y CI

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