
Cultivating the Librarian Within: Effectively lntegrating Library lnstruction into Freshman Composition


It has become common practice for library instruction to be included in lower-level college composition courses. Students are typically required to visit the library once or twice a semester to receive instruction on how to find books and journal articles for an upcoming writing assignment that incorporates formal research. But does this current model of instruction truly address course outcomes that seek to produce students who are information literate, critical thinkers and life-long learners? Faculty who teach such courses are often reluctant to surrender precious class time to a librarian, but this paper argues that the merging of bibliographic instruction with composition curriculum can more effectively tackle course goals with minimal interruption to the class schedule. The aim of this paper is to challenge the conventional relationship between library instruction and lower-level composition courses by assessing and discussing the implementation of a new freshman writing course that fully integrates library instruction into the course and into the classroom

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