Un caso di integrazione tra Public History, Cultural Heritage e Digital Humanities: l’Archivio storico della Pontificia Università Gregoriana e il progetto Clavius@school


The Historical Archive of the Pontifical Gregorian University (APUG) has started a research project on one of its most important collections, the Christophorus Clavius’s (1538-1612) correspondence. The Clavius on the web project has been enriched by the involvement of teachers and students from three Rome high schools: the Liceo Ennio Quirino Visconti, the Liceo Virgilio and the Liceo Aristofane. The name of this experience is Clavius@school. After a brief presentation about APUG, its activities and Clavius, this paper describes the work done with schools, starting from a philosophical perspective that analyzes technology according to its broader meaning

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