
Abnormal Event Detection Using HOSF


[[abstract]]In this paper a simple and effective crowd behavior normality method is proposed. We use the histogram of oriented social force (HOSF) as the feature vector to encode the observed events of a surveillance video. A dictionary of codewords is trained to include typical HOSFs. To detect whether an event is normal is accomplished by comparing how similar to the closest codeword via z-value. The proposed method includes the following characteristic: (1) the training is automatic without human labeling; (2) instead of object tracking, the method integrates particles and social force as feature descriptors; (3) z-score is used in measuring the normality of events. The method is testified by the UMN dataset with promising results.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20131216~20131218[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Maca

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