
Application of Web Server Benchmark using Erlang/OTP RII and Linux


As the web grows and the amount of traffics on the web server increase, problems related to performance begin to appear. Some of the problems, such as the number of users that can access the server simultaneously, the number of requests that can be handled by the server per second (requests per second) to bandwidth consumption and hardware utilization like memories and CPU. To give better quality of service (QoS), web hosting providers and also the system administrators and network administrators who manage the server need a benchmark application to measure the capabilities of their servers. Later, the application intends to work under Linux/Unix - like platforms and built using ErlanglOTP RI] as a concurrent oriented language under Fedora Core Linux 5.0. It is divided into two main parts, the controller section and the launcher section. Controller is the core of the application. It has several duties, such as read the benchmark scenario file, con figure the program based on the scenario, initialize the launcher section, gather the benchmark results from local and remote Erlang node where the launcher runs and write them in a log file (later the log file will be used to generate a report page for the sysadmin). Controller also has function as a timer which act as timing for user inters arrival to the server. Launcher generates a number of users based on the scenario, initialize them and start the benchmark by sending requests to the web server. The clients also gather the benchmark result and send them to the controller

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