Bogor is one of the most important inland cities in the colonial era, because Bogor (formerly Buitenzorg)
once served as the capital of the Dutch Indies colonial rule. Many of the physical city artifacts built in the
colonial period. After Indonesian independence, the city had gradually lost its central position as in the
colonial period. In the year 1976 issued Presidential Instruction on Jabotabek where Bogor city designated
as one of the capital buffer (hinterland) and as a dormitory town. This study aims to identify the physical
elements forming the city's identity based on the level of image ability according to the public perception of
Bogor. The results are sorted based on the identification of three periods of development, namely pre-
colonial, colonial and independence periods. Furthermore, all of these objects will be positioned
(superimpose) in the morphology of Bogor colonial city (Buitenzorg). The Research results showed that of
33 objects was selected by the respondents, 1 object (3.0%) is a product of the pre-colonial period, 18
objects (54.6%) of the colonial period, and 14 objects (42.4%) of the independence period. When it is
viewed from the morphology of the city, it is known that the 23 objects (69.7%) were located inside the
colonial city and 10 objects (30.3%) were outside. We found that despite the changes in city morphology,
urban physical elements of colonial period still has the largest contribution in shaping the identity of the city
of Bogor. In addition, many new important urban physical elements (product of independence period) are
located in the area of this colonial city. All of which led to the conclusion that the colonial city of Bogor has
a very important role for the identity, activity, and the attractiveness of Bogor city. Physically, the city of
Bogor has a lot of heritage that contribute the identity of the city. However, because extending
metropolitan phenomenon that is happening right now, the character of the historic city of Bogor is now
starting to fade by urban commercial culture pressure