Patterns and Pattern Languages for Mobile Augmented Reality


Mixed Reality is a relatively new field in computer science which uses technology as a medium to provide modified or enhanced views of reality or to virtually generate a new reality. Augmented Reality is a branch of Mixed Reality which blends the real-world as viewed through a computer interface with virtual objects generated by a computer. The 21st century commodification of mobile devices with multi-core Central Processing Units, Graphics Processing Units, high definition displays and multiple sensors controlled by capable Operating Systems such as Android and iOS means that Mobile Augmented Reality applications have become increasingly feasible. Mobile Augmented Reality is a multi-disciplinary field requiring a synthesis of many technologies such as computer graphics, computer vision, machine learning and mobile device programming while also requiring theoretical knowledge of diverse fields such as Linear Algebra, Projective and Differential Geometry, Probability and Optimisation. This multi-disciplinary nature has led to a fragmentation of knowledge into various specialisations, making it difficult to integrate different solution components into a coherent architecture. Software design patterns provide a solution space of tried and tested best practices for a specified problem within a given context. The solution space is non-prescriptive and is described in terms of relationships between roles that can be assigned to software components. Architectural patterns are used to specify high level designs of complete systems, as opposed to domain or tactical level patterns that address specific lower level problem areas. Pattern Languages comprise multiple software patterns combining in multiple possible sequences to form a language with the individual patterns forming the language vocabulary while the valid sequences through the patterns define the grammar. Pattern Languages provide flexible generalised solutions within a particular domain that can be customised to solve problems of differing characteristics and levels of iii complexity within the domain. The specification of one or more Pattern Languages tailored to the Mobile Augmented Reality domain can therefore provide a generalised guide for the design and architecture of Mobile Augmented Reality applications from an architectural level down to the ”nuts-and-bolts” implementation level. While there is a large body of research into the technical specialisations pertaining to Mobile Augmented Reality, there is a dearth of up-to-date literature covering Mobile Augmented Reality design. This thesis fills this vacuum by: 1. Providing architectural patterns that provide the spine on which the design of Mobile Augmented Reality artefacts can be based; 2. Documenting existing patterns within the context of Mobile Augmented Reality; 3. Identifying new patterns specific to Mobile Augmented Reality; and 4. Combining the patterns into Pattern Languages for Detection & Tracking, Rendering & Interaction and Data Access for Mobile Augmented Reality. The resulting Pattern Languages support design at multiple levels of complexity from an object-oriented framework down to specific one-off Augmented Reality applications. The practical contribution of this thesis is the specification of architectural patterns and Pattern Language that provide a unified design approach for both the overall architecture and the detailed design of Mobile Augmented Reality artefacts. The theoretical contribution is a design theory for Mobile Augmented Reality gleaned from the extraction of patterns and creation of a pattern language or languages

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