
Inventory and Monitoring of Aquatic Bird Species on Lakes Mead and Mohave 2004 - 2006


This project was completed as part of a task agreements awarded by the National Park Service (NPS), Lake Mead National Recreation Area (LAME), to the Public Lands Institute (PLI) at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). This final report was completed under a task agreement ending on September 30, 2006, and was completed in support of an NPS project funded by the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act (PLMA) to inventory and monitor shoreline and near-shore natural resources on Lakes Mead and Mohave (DOI 2005). This report details inventory and monitoring efforts on shoreline and aquatic bird species between March 2004 and August 2006. Major efforts completed on this project included: Intensive monitoring of 7 sites during 184 surveys on Lakes Mead and Mohave Inventory of an additional 5 sites on these lakes during 15 surveys A total of 93 aquatic or shoreline bird species documented within LAME; 88 on Lake Mead and 45 on Lake Mohave A total of 67,670 individual aquatic birds and raptors tallied; 58,032 on Lake Mead and 9,638 on Lake Mohav

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