
Rana Catesbeiana Diet


Data were obtained opportunistically from 28 adult (14M; 14 F) bullfrogs collected during April 2001 from Meadow Valley Wash located between the cities of Carp and Elgin, Lincoln County. Nevada, USA (37⁰17’N, 114⁰30\u27W). Although there are two summary reports that provide publication lists of bullfrog food/diet literature (Bury and Whelan I 984. Ecology and Management of the Bullfrog. USDI, FWS Resource Publ. 155. 23 pp.; Casper and Hendricks, in press. In M.J. Lannoo [ed.], Status and Conservation of U.S. Amphibians. Univ. California Press, Berkeley), there are, to our knowledge, no published bullfrog diets from this region

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