
Non-Visual Document Recognition for Blind Reading Assistant System


[[abstract]]As time goes on, a huge mass of progressive knowledge is developed and then the e-book is built for paper reduction and environmental protection. Therefore, many historical documents over the past don’t exist. Research on blind reading aid device is a popular topic gradually, but there are some drawbacks on these methods. For example, electronic documents of many old dated of historical documents don’t read because format should be limited to e-document. Users can’t read any specified region of the document as he wishes. A novel blind reading aid device is proposed without e-document and the user only need to point the document with his finger. This system is composed of third parts. First, we use rectangle detection method to catch the region for document under the Microsoft Kinect. Next, dilation method and projection profile methods are used in order to execrate text and constructed coordinate database. Finally, skin detection, BEA method and depth image of Microsoft Kinect can get the coordinates of user’s finger when user wishes to read the document, and then match with constructed coordinate database to get the character. Then system output is obtained via text to speech.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20130618~20130620[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Jeju Island, Republic of Korea[[countrycodes]]KO

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