
Abstract: The paper presents Kaizen analysis and the estimation of the reserves of the quality of functioning of a modern credit organization as an open dynamic self-organizing system. The sphere of bank services (BS) is winning new and new positions in Russian market economy. Its structural and institutional progress has generated the «start quality» of BS within the framework of the systematic and informational quality paradigm: extensive and intensive (qualitative) BS development with the purpose of getting the competitive advantage. The latter is displayed in BS market through the totality of economic relations concerning the satisfaction of consumer BS needs. As a whole the quality of a commercial bank (CB) as a BS producer may appear inefficient only in case of its productivity restriction. Therefore functioning condition which does not limit the productivity is effective under any circumstances and should not be limited by institutional management. Otherwise such regulation will inevitably lead to the suppression of a producer freedom concerning the satisfaction of the needs of a BS consumer whereas the latter quite agrees with any activity which in a pointed manner does not limit BS productivity and thus is quite competitive. As the efficiency criterion the restriction of CB productivity connected with BS production of better quality and in shorter terms is most frequently used Ensuring the BS competitiveness in the market is achieved due to Kaizen reserves allowing the bank to obtain strategic evolution thanks to its ability to constantly and dynamically improve the quality of services and processes with the help of which the CB functions and also to the opportunity to raise the degree of consumer satisfaction. Kaizen theory was formed on the basis of ten key principles (focus on clients, improve constantly, openly acknowledge problems, promote openness, form work groups, manage projects on the inter-functional basis, stimulate the processes of mutual support, develop self-discipline, inform each worker, create Сюй Юй Лун -аспирант кафедры «Экономический анализ и качество»; Герасимов Б.И. -доктор экономических наук, профессор

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