Heat Transfer in a Cavity Packed with Fibrous Glass


Nomenclature c p = specific heat at constant pressure H = height of cavity H/W = aspect ratio K = permeability Nu* = modified Nusselt number, X e ff/Xn Ra* = modified Rayleigh number, gllf (T h -T v )WK/a*vf T = temperature W = width of cavity or distance between hot and cold walls a* = thermal diffusion, X 0 /(pe p )/ li = thermal expansion coefficient A e rr = effective thermal conductivity, X r( , + U + Ku Xra = thermal conductivity due to radiation \ c d = thermal conductivity of fibrous glass ,\." -thermal conductivity due to convection \o = thermal conductivity of fibrous glass layer without convection, X", + K-d -/ = specific weight of fibrous glass v = kinematic viscosity p = density Subscripts c = cold wall / = fluid (air) /i = hot wall 0 = without convectio

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