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ABSTRACT Wetlands of the many areas of kachchh region are reduced day to day by the natural processes as well as developmental activities and as a result the population of birds depend upon these wetlands are under threat. This paper was attempted to assess the composition of avifauna in Lakhara, a fragmented wetland inside the Kachchh Biosphere Reserve. Regular survey was made in year 2009 to observe and identifying the avifauna using standard field guide and field equipments. A total of 57 species of bird recorded during the whole survey period and their feeding and threatened status was also analyzed. A good number of birds recorded in Lakhara wetland in spite of the small area. Most of the recorded birds of this wetland were belong to the Least Concern category of IUCN red list, 2010 and Schedule IV of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Lakhara wetland is also proved to be an important bird area of Kachchh for conservation aspects

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