An in vitro L-band EPR study with whole human teeth in a surface coil resonator. Radiat


Abstract L-band EPR measurements were done in vitro on extracted human teeth with the objective to evaluate the feasibility of retrospective in vivo EPR dosimetry. In a recent study, the relative contributions of individual tooth components (enamel, crown dentin and root) to the total response of a whole tooth inside an L-band surface coil resonator was investigated. In the present work, the gamma-dose response curves were evaluated for di erent EPR signal evaluation methods, using 35 whole teeth with absorbed doses in the range 1-100 Gy. The paper reports on the ÿrst attempt to deconvolute the single composite L-band EPR line in components due to CO − 2 and native radicals. The L-band EPR spectrum of teeth could be approximated by combining powder-simulated spectra of orthorhombic and quasi-axial signals of the CO − 2 radical and an isotropic signal of the native radicals. Among the applied EPR signal evaluation methods, the evaluation by spectrum deconvolution revealed the lowest detection limit for absorbed dose. A detection limit of about 0:5 Gy was estimated for the currently available L-band equipment

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