Evaluation of visual implant elastomer and alphanumeric internal tags as a method to identify juveniles of the freshwater crayfish, Cherax destructor


Abstract In the last few years there has been an increasing interest in using traditional animal breeding techniques to improve important traits such as growth rate in freshwater crayfish. However, a major impediment to such programs is an inability to reliably identify individuals or family groups for long periods because of the non-retention of external tags through ecdysis. Visual implant Ž . Ž . elastomer VIE and visual alphanumeric VIalpha internal tags have proven useful in identifying finfish and amphibians. We evaluated the suitability of these two internal tags as a method to Ž . identify yabby Cherax destructor juveniles. Both tags proved useful in identifying juveniles Ž between 0.1 and 4.6 g, with the VIE having the higher retention rate of the two tags up to 92%, . as opposed to 79% for the VIalpha tag . Mortality, as a direct consequence of tagging juveniles with the VIE and VIalpha tags was 13% and 11%, respectively. The ability to reliably identify C. destructor juveniles will increase the efficiency of selective breeding programs for this species by allowing individuals and family groups to be pooled in growth experiments, thereby decreasing the impact of confounding environmental effects. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Jerry et al.r Aquaculture 193 2001 149-154 15

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