Hi-Rise: A high-radix switch for 3D integration with single-cycle arbitration


Abstract-This paper proposes a novel 3D switch, called 'HiRise', that employs high-radix switches to efficiently route data across multiple stacked layers of dies. The proposed interconnect is hierarchical and composed of two switches per silicon layer and a set of dedicated layer to layer channels. However, a hierarchical 3D switch can lead to unfair arbitration across different layers. To address this, the paper proposes a unique class-based arbitration scheme that is fully integrated into the switching fabric, and is easy to implement. It makes the 3D hierarchical switch's fairness comparable to that of a flat 2D switch with least recently granted arbitration. The 3D switch is evaluated for different radices, number of stacked layers, and different 3D integration technologies. A 64-radix, 128-bit width, 4-layer Hi-Rise evaluated in a 32nm technology has a throughput of 10.65 Tbps for uniform random traffic. Compared to a 2D design this corresponds to a 15% improvement in throughput, a 33% area reduction, a 20% latency reduction, and a 38% energy per transaction reduction

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